Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Knovel ebooks

Do you have a patron having trouble accessing Knovel ebooks, and they appear to be doing everything right? They may need to uninstall her old Google toolbar and install the latest version of the Google toolbar.

Friday, October 31, 2008

WSU Safe Walk Program

   The WSUPD offers a free Safe Walk program to our students, staff and faculty.  If anyone, at any time, feels uneasy about walking on campus, simply call WSUPD (313-577-2222 from any phone and request the Safe Walk service. We will dispatch a uniformed and radio equipped Cadet to walk with you to your destination. If a Cadet is not available, we will dispatch a patrol officer in a marked scout car to provide the service.
   Please note that we can not provide Safe Walks on a regular, daily or by appointment, basis. If you need regularly scheduled or  periodic transportation to locations on and around the WSU campus, or the Detroit Medical Center or Henry Ford Hospital campus, you may wish to consider the WSU/Midtown Detroit Connection for shuttle service in and around the WSU campus. Main campus and medical campus shuttle information and hours of operation, parking lot locations, hours and costs, etc, can be found at:
The shuttle service is free, requiring only that you display your WSU OneCard to the shuttle driver.
For more information on the WSU/Midtown Detroit Connection and a interactive map, please click on:

Source:  Wayne State Special Welcome Back Edition - Fall Term 2017 email  

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Film Viewing

Access Services can set up film viewing and provide technical assistance for 16mm film. We have a 16mm projector and screen. We coordinate the film setup and room-booking at an available room in the UGL at the user request (time subject to room availability). We will be on site during the first 10 minutes of the viewing to ensure no technical problems, and will return after the viewing to break down the setup. WSULS does not support 35mm film.

The film collection was reviewed in December 2006, and 90% of catalog records suppressed from public display. Additionally, many films located in the WSULS collections are not cataloged.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Processed Food Assignment (Nutrition)

A project researching a processed food. There is a subject guide designed for this assignment.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

LIS6010 Assignment Librarian Biography

An assignment for LIS 6010. Find biographical information about various librarians from history.

You may also want to try searching the Library and Information Science specific databases (Library Lit, LISA, LISTA) and Biography Resource Center or Biography & Genealogy Master Index.We also have a number of biographical resources in print in Purdy/Kresge that may contain information on this person:

Reference Book: The National cyclopaedia of American biography
Book: Dictionary of American library biography
Book: A Dictionary of Eminent Librarians
Book: A Biographical Directory of Librarians in the United States and Canada
Book: Who's Who in Library Service

Monday, September 8, 2008

What's G. Flint Purdy's first name?

There appears to be a library assignment out there with a question asking students to find G. Flint Purdy's First Name. Here's a record that will help with the answer
(It's George by the way)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ENG1010 Fall 2008 Assignment?

The article is from Harper's. Here is the citation.

Black Men and Public Space
Staples, Brent. Harper's Magazine. New York: Dec 1986. Vol. 273, Iss. 1639; pg. 19

Students have to find a copy. Our December 1986 issue is in Storage. DPL also carries this publication, so you may want to send students there.

(This problem began with: there is an ENG 1010 assignment that is going something like this:

"Go online and find the essay 'black men in public spaces' by Brent Staples published in 1987"

Students need to find an essay by Naylor. It is in the book "Crossing Cultures" (5th edition) It is on reserve at the UGL Access Desk.

If anyone comes looking for the Naylor essay, you will need to tell them to ask for the title Crossing Cultures:
Readings for Composition, call number PE 1417 .C75 1998.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Microform Locations

Chicago Tribune (pre 2004)
LA times (pre 2004)
Washington Post (pre 2004)
NY Times (pre 2004)
Closed/Purdy basement. The patron can Page the item by going to the PK Circulation desk who will in turn retrieve the material for them.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Master's and EdD Students/Not Registered: Library Access

For Master’s and EdD students who no longer have library access due to a period of non-enrollment, but who are working on their Master’s Project/Thesis or Dissertation Proposal.

1. To Check Out Library Materials (Books, etc.)

To be able to check out library materials, they must bring in the following form completed by their advisor or designee, and the student will need to bring the completed form to the Purdy Library Circulation desk. NOTE: These privileges are only good for one semester. Students will still need to use their WSU OneCard after they have submitted the form to check out books. If the student does not have a WSU OneCard, the student will need to talk to the Circulation Supervisor, who will issue a Guest Library Card to the student.

Students may also request Wayne State books and books from over 200 libraries around the state of Michigan through the MelCAT program. Students must have a current public library card from their local public library, and their local public library must be a member of MelCAT.
Here is a list of participating libraries
Here is a link to the MelCAT catalog

2. Access to Library Databases

After 4 semesters of student activity, students lose access to their Wayne State email, which is what is used for the authentication on campus in the public computers. 

For Access to Library Databases and Computers ON CAMPUS
The Student's Advisor need to send an e-mail to C&IT with the student's name and AccessID, and the date they are graduating or no longer need access,  and ask for an email exception because the student is working on their Master's Project or Dissertation (or anything that is under their care). This is also called a "wispa" exemption by C&IT. (For specific questions related to email exceptions, contact Kat at 313-577-2038)

For Access to Library Databases OFF CAMPUS
The Student or their Advisor or Designee must complete and submit the following online form HOWEVER, it is important to note that access to the databases will only be from OFF CAMPUS.

Access to journal articles through the Michigan Electronic Library
All state of Michigan residents have access to a variety of full-text databases through the Michigan Electronic Library.  Students can access these databases by going to  Good databases to use to start a search for journal articles are Academic OneFile and Opposing Viewpoints in Context. 

Friday, April 11, 2008

Maximum MEL requests

A patron is limited to 50 "active" request at a time. See 3.2 below.
3.2 Maximum Number of MeLCat Requests
Eligible patrons will be allowed to have up to 50 active MeLCat requests at a time. MeLCat requests are active from the time they are made until the requested items have been returned to the lending libraries or until they are canceled.

Monday, April 7, 2008

InfoPass (who can complete one?)

Monique Andrews, April 7, 2008
Having worked at Marygrove and here at WSU I am very familiar with the intent of the Infopass and its origins. I think it is fine for Circulation to sign the form. This SEMLOL borrowing form predates many more technologically advanced reciprocal borrowing arrangements. The intent is that a SEMLOL library is confirming that they do not have the materials needed by the student and that they are enrolled (show ID, whatever). So the form is filled out from the student’s home library. I mean really how do we know who is filling out the form at different libraries that present it to us.

I would like to add that if a student from a SEMLOL comes in without a form, I have a called their library and asked someone to fax one over. I have also been asked to do the same for our students.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Finding articles in CINAHL containing CEUs

Nursing students may be looking for journal articles that contain CEUs (Continuing Education Units). By reading articles and taking a test or answering questions within the article, the students can attain a certain number of CEUs which they need for the nursing profession.

If you have the occasion to search EBSCO CINAHL for journal articles on any nursing topic that also contain CEUs, the best and easiest way is to do the following search:

In the search box type: ceu,

and at the same time, check off the box at the top which says “Suggest Subject Terms”.

This will put you in the Thesaurus terms for CINAHL also called CINAHL Subject Headings.

Leave the “select a field optional” box as it is.

Then click “Search” and you will be taken into the thesaurus and you will see the term:

Education, Continuing (Credit)

Select the box in front of this term by checking it, and the click the “Search Database” box
at the top.

You will then generate a set containing 53,908 articles that contain CEU sections within many different articles.

This is now your set #1.

Clear the search box, by clicking the “Clear” box.

Now perform another search on any Nursing topic, for instance diabetes. Type in diabetes as
a keyword in the search box, and then click search.

You will then generate another set of articles: 37,174 articles. This is set #2.

Then select “Clear”.

Then click on the tab called “Search History/Alerts”.

After you have clicked this, you will be in the search history area, where the two searches you have done previously are located.

Click or select the boxes in front of set #1 and set #2. So, you have selected these sets to combine.

You will notice that “and” is the default.

After, clicking S1 and S2, click the box right above that says: “Add”

This means that your new search combination S1 and S2 will now be added to the main search bar at the very top.

It will actually show S1 and S2 in the search bar, which is a combination of “Education, Continuing (Credit)”
and “diabetes”.

Then click “Search” and you will retrieve 1,733 articles. These are now articles on the topic of diabetes that also contain
CEUs within the article.

Of course, as you know, other limits can be applied such as time frame and English and other limits to cut down the number of articles from
1,733, which it entirely too many.

So, this is the best way to find articles that contain CEUs for the student.

Furthermore, you may have noticed in EBSCO CINAHL that under the limits section there is a limit box called “CE Module”.

This can only be used to locate CE Modules if an institution subscribes to the EBSCO CINAHL versions called: CINAHL PLUS or CINAHL PLUS with Full-Text. We do not subscribe to these versions of CINAHL, and that is why I have sent the explanation above to search for CEUs within articles by employing the regular keyword combination search method.

Here is a link at EBSCO that discusses this:

Monday, March 24, 2008

Conference Calls

WSU provides free conference call service to faculty and staff.
Info at

Friday, March 21, 2008

Library Recycling

Printer Toner Cartridges
Used printer toner cartridges should be packed up and returned to Leo in Shipping and Receiving.

Copier Toner Cartridges
Used copier toner cartridges should be securely wrapped in a plastic bag for return to Leo in Shipping and Receiving. It is helpful to also place the wrapped empty toner cartridge in a box (like a copier paper box) to reduce the likelihood of "toner seepage". If the copier also has a plastic "toner collection container", those should just be sealed with the provided cap and thrown away in the regular trash.

Electronic Waste
Old phone equipment, computer equipment, etc. is handled through the University’s electronic waste disposal program.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Translation Services

The International Institute of Detroit offers for-fee translation services. Telephone: 313.871.8600

Monday, January 7, 2008

Computer Labs on Campus (Not Library)

A list of computer labs across campus, including a description of who has access: