The WSUPD offers a free Safe Walk program to our students, staff and faculty. If anyone, at any time, feels uneasy about walking on campus, simply call WSUPD (313-577-2222) from any phone and request the Safe Walk service. We will dispatch a uniformed and radio equipped Cadet to walk with you to your destination. If a Cadet is not available, we will dispatch a patrol officer in a marked scout car to provide the service.
Please note that we can not provide Safe Walks on a regular, daily or by appointment, basis. If you need regularly scheduled or periodic transportation to locations on and around the WSU campus, or the Detroit Medical Center or Henry Ford Hospital campus, you may wish to consider the WSU/Midtown Detroit Connection for shuttle service in and around the WSU campus. Main campus and medical campus shuttle information and hours of operation, parking lot locations, hours and costs, etc, can be found at:
The shuttle service is free, requiring only that you display your WSU OneCard to the shuttle driver.
For more information on the WSU/Midtown Detroit Connection and a interactive map, please click on:
Source: Wayne State Special Welcome Back Edition - Fall Term 2017 email